Student Computer Access
Below are the student directions to access laptops for the first time and Microsoft 365 accounts, including Teams.
Open an internet browser.
Use this link:
Click sign in in the top right corner.
Type in username: first 3 letters of your first name, first 3 letters your of last name, and last four digits of your PowerSchool ID and the rest of our email.
◦For example:
Type in password: student birthday with the full months, days, and year with a 0 in front of single digit numbers.
◦For example: 12051984.These may have to be entered a few times in order to login into Microsoft 365, Microsoft Email, and Microsoft Teams, depending on the device being used.
Click the Teams App and you should be able to see all the Teams you are a part of for UCHS.
Quick Note: When using the Teams App on cell phones, you will not have complete access to everything like you would if you were using your laptop or other computer.