Title I

Title I Staff

Cindy Langley       

Director of Federal Programs

864-427-2328 ext 722


Lori Ledford

       Title I Administrative Assistant

864-427-2328 ext 110


District Parent and Family Engagement Policy

District Parent and Family and Engagement Policy Spanish

Title I District Information and Resources

Title I PowerPoint

Title I Brochure    

Union County School District Federal Grant Programs Fiscal Procedures

Parent's Right to Know

UCSD  Title I Schools
Buffalo Elementary School
(Schoolwide Program)

Foster Park Elementary School
(Schoolwide Program)

Jonesville Elementary/Middle School
(Schoolwide Program)

Monarch Elementary School
(Schoolwide Program)

Sims Middle School
(Schoolwide Program)

Purpose of Title I

  • Title I (of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act) is a federal program that provides opportunities for the children served to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging state content standards.

  • Title I resources are distributed to schools where needs are the greatest, in amounts sufficient to make a difference in the improvement of instruction.

  • Title I coordinates services with other educational services and, to the degree possible, with health and social services programs.

  • Title I provides greater decision-making authority and flexibility within the schools and for teachers.  However, greater responsibility for student performance is the exchange made for this flexibility.

Parental Involvement

  • Parental involvement is an integral part of the Title I program.  Parents are encouraged to become partners in helping their children achieve and become actively involved in all aspects of the process of the Title I program, from the writing of the plan to its implementation and evaluation.

  • A strong connection between the home and the school is a key element in student success.  Materials, strategies, and help from teachers are available to all parents within a Title I school.  Opportunities for active parent participation should include, but not be limited to open house, parent workshops, school-parent compacts, home visitation,
    parent-teacher organizations, conferences, monthly newsletters, and more.

  • Federal legislation requires schools to utilize a portion of their Title I funds to support parent involvement.  Parents should contact the school principal with any comments or suggestions regarding the school’s parent involvement expenditures.

Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact
Each Title I school is required to ask for input from parents regarding the development of a parent involvement policy and a school-parent compact.

  • The parent involvement policy explains how the school plans to work with parents to review and improve parent programs and describes how parents can participate in planning these programs.

  • The school-parent compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the way in which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.

Title I Participation
Each of our five (5) Title I schools continually monitor the implementation of their Title I plan and welcome input from parents, school staff, and community members regarding its current and future Title I plans.  If you would like to participate on your school’s Title I planning team or make comments on the plan, please contact the principal at your school.

Parent’s Right to Know
As a parent of a student enrolled in a Title I school, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers and instructional assistants who instruct your child.  Federal law allows you to ask for the following information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires the District to give you this information in a timely manner:

  • whether the teacher is certified to teach the subjects and/or grade levels the teacher is teaching,

  • whether the teacher’s certificate is a waiver or substandard certificate,

  • the teacher’s academic major, graduate degrees, if any, and

  • the teacher’s certification area.

If you would like to receive this information, please call our Human Resources department at 864-429-1740.

South Carolina Department of Education Complaint Resolution Procedures
The State Department of Education (SDE) has the authority to hear complaints and appeals regarding certain federal programs and requires school districts to distribute the following information concerning the South Carolina Department of Education’s complaint resolution procedures:

  • Organizations or individuals may file a complaint that applies to Title I within thirty days of receiving the decision by the school district or group of districts.

  • Complaints and appeals must be made in writing and they must contain a statement indicating the violation, the facts on which the statement is based, and the specific requirement of law or regulation allegedly violated.  Complaints and appeals must be filed with the State Superintendent of Education at the S.C. Department of Education, 1429 Senate Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201.

  • The SDE will confirm receipt of the complaint within ten business days and will conduct an investigation to determine the merits of the complaint.  The Deputy Superintendent will issue a final decision regarding the complaint within 60 days, except under exceptional circumstances that warrant an extension. 

  • The final decision of the SDE may be appealed to the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Education.

Title I District Contact:
Cindy Langley

Procedures for Responding to Parent Questions about Title I

It is the practice of Union County Schools to respond (in writing or through a telephone conversation) to a parent’s question(s) regarding Title I issues that cannot be resolved immediately within a reasonable period of time (24 to 48 hours). 

Please contact Cindy Langley at clangley@union.k12.sc.us  or at 864-427-2328 ext 722.

Click Here to access SC Department of Education Title I information

 The District Title I Plan is available at the District Office upon request. Each schools’ Title I Plan is available at each school upon request. Parent Input is always welcome!

 All of the Title I schools employ Highly Qualified teachers.

Qualifications of all teachers are available upon request.