Home Juniors/Seniors
UCHS is now using Parchment! Parchment sends transcripts to receiving institutions when schools approve the order and upload the transcript records to Parchment.
Seniors need to create a Parchment account using their personal email address (not their school email). This is the only way we will send transcripts to universities and colleges. Click below to order your transcript. If you haven't created your Parchment account, please reach contact your counselor.
Local Scholarships
All information concerning local scholarships will be emailed to the senior email group. Please make sure you check your email regularly. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Brown.
To create an account for any of the following listed below, click on the button.
SAT vs ACT: Comparing College Entrance Exams
Test Date | Registration Deadline | Late Deadline ($34 Late Fee Required) |
August 24 | August 9 | August 13 |
October 5 | September 20 | September 24 |
November 2 | October 18 | October 22 |
December 7 | November 22 | November 26 |
March 8 | February 21 | February 25 |
May 3 | April 18 | April 22 |
June 7 | May 22 | May 27 |
Test Date | Registration Deadline | Late Deadline ($38 Late Fee Required) |
September 14 | August 9 | August 25 |
October 26 | September 20 | October 7 |
December 14 | November 8 | November 22 |
February 8 | January 3 | January 20 |
April 5 | February 28 | March 16 |
June 14 | May 9 | May 26 |
July 12 | June 6 | June 20 |