Home Enrollment/Withdrawal/Verification
Announcements and Opportunities
We have streamlined our enrollment process with our online form! Once all questions have been completely answered and you have clicked submit, your paperwork will be forwarded to the School Counseling Department. The following documents will be needed for enrollment:
Proof of Residency- Please bring a current electric bill/statement or lease/rental agreement showing the parent/legal guardian
Guardian's name and home address within the district- A post office box is not acceptable as a legal address
Parent/Legal Guardian's South Carolina Driver's License-If parent/legal guardian doesn't have a license another state or federal photo ID will work
Official Birth Certificate-Wallet card or short certificate is NOT ACCEPTABLE
South Carolina Certificate of Immunization
Custody Papers that designate primary custodial parent )if applicable)
Legal Guardianship Documents that designate a legal guardian
Contact Michelle Hughey for questions or concerns. Click the yellow jacket to get started!
Please contact Michelle Hughey concerning withdrawing or verifying enrollment.