Union County Adult Education


Union County Adult Education is designed to help students achieve their high school credential either through completing their high school diploma or preparing them to pass the GED examination. In addition, UCAE is available to help individuals with basic math and reading skills or to earn a Work Ready Certificate.

GED Information

UCAE strives to personalize learning in a way that traditional school settings cannot. Students are given the TABE test upon enrollment which identifies skills mastered as well as those which need to be worked on to pass the GED examination. Each student is then given their own unique pathway tailored to their needs and teachers are available to work one on one with students to achieve their goals.

GED Ready examinations are provided free of charge once students display mastery of content. These GED Ready exams will let both the student and instructors know whether they are ready to pass the GED exam or whether there are still areas that need work. Once a student passes the GED Ready exam for a content area (Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science), the staff at UCAE will help the student register to take that portion of the GED and UCAE will cover the cost for the test.

High School Diploma

UCAE utilizes Edmentum Courseware which is an online platform to offer students the opportunity to earn Carnegie units toward graduation. To be eligible for this route, students must come into UCAE having earned at least 17 units at their high school. Adjunct teachers are available weekly to assist students with any content or questions they may have.

Eric Childers-- Interim Director

Mackenzie Parks--Administrative Assistant

517 E. Main Street

Union, SC 29379


Adult Education class times

For more information, please call


or visit us at

517 East Main Street

Union, SC 29379