
BES Petty

Teacher of the Year BES

- Amy Petty

BES Johnson

Support Staff of the Year BES

- Delmar Johnson

FPES A Wells

Teacher of the Year MES

- Allie Wells

MES S Vaughan

Support Staff of the Year MES

- Staci Vaughan

JEMS Hendrix

Teacher of the Year JEMS

- Heather Hendrix

JEMS Vaughan

Support Staff of the Year JEMS

- Billie Jo Vaughan

MES Moore

Teacher of the Year FPES

- Victoria Moore

MES M Alexander

Support Staff of the Year FPES

- Michelle Alexander

SMS Bennett

Teacher of the Year SMS

- Michael Bennett

SMS Briggs

Support Staff of the Year SMS

- Temeka Briggs

CATE Ashley Wells

Teacher of the Year UCCATE

- Ashley West

CATE Worthy

Support Staff of the Year UCCATE

- Becky Worthy

UCHS Miranda

Teacher of the Year UCHS

- Ariana Miranda

UCHS Johnson

Support Staff of the Year UCHS

- Kaye Johnson